Research and Awards

Dedicated to helping patients achieve a better quality of life, Kenneth Reed, M.D. and the partner physicians at Reed Migraine Centers’ continue to engage in pioneering research in their quest for effective, safe treatment of debilitating head pain.

We are continuing to conduct ongoing research projects related to advanced pain and dysfunction therapies. A larger study involving combined supraorbital and occipital nerve stimulation headache treatment techniques was recently concluded. The study will be published in the near future. Please check back for more information about this and other studies.

Combined Occipital Nerve/Supraorbital Nerve Stimulation for Treatment of Refractory Headaches: Initial Adolescents Experience (ABSTRACT)

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Adolescents ages 12-17, including 10 females and 3 males were screened for implantation of occipital-supraorbital nerve stimulators. Each headache subject had failed standard therapies including dyhydroergotamine 45. Trial stimulators were placed across the occipital and supraorbital nerves. Criterion for a positive response was 75% improvement after a 3-5 day trial.

Combined Occipital and Supraorbital Neurostimulation for Chronic Migraine Headaches: An Extended Case Series (ABSTRACT)

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A case study using the methodology of occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) as treatment for migraine headaches reported positive results in a series of 7 patients treated by combined occipital nerve-supraorbital nerve stimulation (ON-SONS). Thereafter, we further perfected the protocol and between 2004 and 2010 implanted the system in 93 patients with chronic migraine headaches. Combined ON-SONS provides effective therapy for some patients with chronic migraine headaches.