Travel tips for today’s migraineur

August 31, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Comments: 0

While there are numerous triggers that exist for a traveling migraineur, it's always best to know what yours are specifically. This will help prevent your migraines from appearing as often and keep you from missing out on life’s biggest moments. Here’s a few tips we put together to help you plan your next trip.

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Watch Out For Weather – Exploring a Common Trigger

August 20, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Comments: 0

When patients sit down with Dr. Reed and begin explaining their symptoms, most often weather is on the list. Unique in the sense that you can’t turn if off like a light or turn it down like a stereo, weather is a constant factor for many migraine sufferers and one that we don’t have much control over.

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Want to track your migraine pain? There’s an app for that.

July 12, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Comments: 0

Although Migraine Awareness Month has come to an end, we want migraineurs to be aware of tips, tricks and tools that can help them find relief from chronic migraine pain year-round. Therefore, we’d like to introduce you to the Ubiqi Migraine Tracker.

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Migraine Awareness Month - Be Aware of Your Triggers

June 19, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Posted in: Migraines | Tips and advice | Comments: 0

June is designated Migraine Awareness Month by the National Headache Foundation (NHF). Approximately 28 million people suffer from migraines or other severe headaches. At Reed Migraine Centers we recognize many migraine sufferers are able to find relief before they need to consider the Reed Procedure.

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Reed Migraine Centers takes on a new look.

June 08, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Posted in: Reed Migraine Centers | Comments: 0

We are excited to roll out the new Reed Migraine Centers brand identity. In the last three months, we have refreshed our brand with a new logo, tagline, color palette, messaging, website and advertising campaign. We wanted a forward-looking and modern persona – a brand that is memorable. We believe these new materials will build upon our credibility and professionalism, setting Reed Migraine Centers apart from all other migraine treatment centers.

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