Migraine Awareness Month - Be Aware of Your Triggers

June 19, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Posted in: Migraines | Tips and advice | Comments: 0

June is designated Migraine Awareness Month by the National Headache Foundation (NHF). Approximately 28 million people suffer from migraines or other severe headaches. At Reed Migraine Centers we recognize many migraine sufferers are able to find relief before they need to consider the Reed Procedure. Here is some information about how to recognize your triggers and use them to prevent migraines.

One of the first tricks to identifying and preventing migraines is to recognize triggers that consistently bring on a migraine. Triggers differ from person to person but common ones include alcohol, menstruation, strong scents, lights and loud noises.

If you are a migraine sufferer, try keeping track of your personal triggers to unveil lifestyle changes that can begin preventing migraine pain. Behavioral adaptations, such as changes to your diet or medication regiment, increasing exercise or beginning a variety of relaxation techniques are easy ways to begin controlling your migraine pain.


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