Watch Out For Weather – Exploring a Common Trigger

August 20, 2012 | Author: reedmigraine | Comments: 0

When patients sit down with Dr. Reed and begin explaining their symptoms, most often weather is on the list. Unique in the sense that you can’t turn if off like a light or turn it down like a stereo, weather is a constant factor for many migraine sufferers and one that we don’t have much control over.

The National Headache Foundation recently published survey results citing that three out of every four respondents listed weather as a common trigger for their head pain. Temperature, humidity, pressure changes (barometric pressure), storms, wind and dust are some of the most common specific weather-related triggers.

If you experience chronic head pain or believe your migraines are often onset by weather, there are a few tips we can pass along to help you cope with this ever-present trigger.

First, record your triggers in a notebook or use the Ubiqui Migraine Tracker. This will allow you to identify which aspects of the weather seem to affect you most and the amount of time you have between experiencing the trigger and meeting your migraine.

Second, since heat and changes in pressure can be some of the most prevalent triggers, avoid places with warm temperatures or areas with probable changes in barometric pressure.

Lastly, always drink plenty of water, avoid outside activity and be diligent in managing your other triggers. This will help you eliminate guessing which triggers are responsible for specific migraines and allow you to better plan around aspects that jumpstart your head pain.


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