News Coverage

Dr. Reed on Ask the Doctor

YouTube | October 25, 2012

Dr. Reed Explains The Reed Procedure® on Get Healthy Texas

CBS DFW | July 27, 2012

Dr. Kenneth Reed and patient Kim Rutherford explain how The Reed Procedure® works to relieve migraine pain and gave Kim her life back.

Device Wipes Out Debilitating Headaches

Walla Walla Union-Bulletin | April 28, 2012

Reed Migraine patient, Bethany Voss, used to suffer from painful, constant migraines. Once she found Reed Migraine Centers, she participated in a trial version of the Reed Procedure℠ and immediately noticed less sensitivity to sound and light. Two months later, she received the permanent implant and has felt migraine-free ever since.

Dr. Ken Reed Explains the Reed Procedure℠ on The Doctors

CBS' The Doctors | January 18, 2012

The Doctors review causes and symptoms of debilitating migraines, as well as follow along as Kenneth Reed, M.D. as he performs the Reed Procedure℠, offering hope to millions of migraine sufferers like 17-year-old Rachel, who experienced migraine pain 24 hours a day.

Dr. Reed Explains The Reed Procedure℠ on Good Morning Texas

WFAA-TV | January 03, 2012

Patient Kim Rutherford shares her story about how the Reed Procedure transformed her life. Dr. Kenneth Reed explains how The Reed Procedure uses neurostimulation to bring relief to migraine sufferers and allows them to begin living a normal life again.

New Technology Treats Migraine Headaches

Fox News | July 27, 2011

Kenneth Reed, M.D. explains how the Reed Procedure℠ uses neurostimulation to bring relief to migraine sufferers and allows them to begin living a normal life again. Patient Kim Rutherford shares her story about how the Reed Procedure℠ transformed her life.

Dr. Reed Explains The Reed Procedure® on KXAS

KXAS-TV | August 12, 2010

Jessica describes her experience with a two-year long migraine and how The Reed Procedure® helped control her chronic head pain. Dr. Reed explains how The Reed Procedure® uses neurostimulation to eliminate migraine pain.

Dr. Reed Explains The Reed Procedure® on WFAA

WFAA-TV | February 24, 2010

Kimberly explains her chronic migraine symptoms and how her life changed after she underwent The Reed Procedure®. Dr. Reed describes The Reed Procedure®, or as it’s often described, “the pacemaker for pain.”